Lightburn classes
Lightburn classes

He was an honorary graduate from the medical department of Columbian University and from the U.S.

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As a result of injuries sustained while serving in the tropics, he was placed on the retired list, with the rank of assistant surgeon in 1905. Immediately after his graduation he entered the U.S. degree from University Medical College (Kansas City) in 1901.

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received his preliminary medical education at the University of Missouri and took his M.D. Over and above his contributions to dermatology, Sutton traveled widely, was a member of the American Polar Society, was an avid photographer and also a big game hunter.

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He gives the eponym for Sutton's disease (also known as aphthous ulceration, or canker sores), Sutton's naevus and Sutton's phenomenon. FRSE FRGS LLD (J– May 18, 1952) was an American dermatologist.

Lightburn classes